RST Net is a certified company

May 10, 2024

RST Net is now a certified company. The company has received international certification for its quality system, ISO 9001, as well as equal pay certification, ÍST 85:2012.

At the end of February 2024, RST NET received certification of the company's quality management system, according to the ISO 9001 standard

The company's quality system was audited by BSI, which confirmed that the system meets the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 standard.  BSI's certification covers all of RST Net's operations, i.e. design, production, acquisition, installation as well as services for the operation of electrical and telecommunications equipment in power plants, transmission and distribution systems and the company's charging stations.

RST Net places great emphasis on customers and stakeholders being satisfied with the company's products and services. It is therefore gratifying that the company now has official certification of the company's quality system, as for the past two years, systematic work has been put into the company's environmental, safety and quality issues. The company received equal pay certification ÍST:2012 in January 2023 and aims to receive environmental certification ISO 14001:2015 in 2025.

It is our hope that the adoption and implementation of this quality system will, among other things, further increase customer satisfaction, improve image, increase quality awareness and more focused operations of the company.

There are therefore exciting times ahead for the company.